Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Brady's 3 monthday!

Our little man, Brady, is 3 months old.  

He is growing so fast. I have already started moving him into some 6 months clothes. There are a few outfits that will be brand new for our friend, Grayson, that will be here in just a few weeks. My guess is he is somewhere close to 16 pounds. He, like his brother, eats a lot. He is getting stronger everyday.  He can hold his head up really well.  And, just today, he started trying to lean forward when I sat him up on the couch. When I place him on his back he has started turning his body to the side. When on his belly, he tries to "swim" across the floor, going nowhere.


Thankfully, he has decided that other people are ok to hold him. It's a good thing because he had a lot of Grandma/Gaga time over the weekend while we were at a wedding. And, he started Mother's Day Out today since I will be working at the church now some days. 

He has become quite the chatty over the past couple of weeks.  He is also especially chatty in the morning or when he has some alone time with Mom or Dad. He is much noisier than Ethan was. Cousin Macy may have some competition in the noise department soon. We do get lots of smiles and giggles from him these days. 

I love big brother's new chair

He has started sleeping through the night. Most nights he is asleep by 9, if not before. He usually sleeps until 5:45, there have been a few 6:30/6:45 in between too. God Bless him for that!

We are finally into a pretty good routine. I am starting to feel more like myself now that he is sleeping longer stretches at night. It's hard to remember a time that he wasn't with us. Two kids is starting to feel like the norm now. 

Now stop growing so fast sweet boy!

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